Do you have a foster child aged 5-18 living in the Wenatchee area who might want free art therapy services?
If so, please complete the form below.
*These free art therapy sessions will be available for a limited time, continuing into the fall 2024 season. After this period, the child’s insurance will be charged. The classes are free for foster kids and cost $150 per session for others. (Payment is cash only.) Each session lasts 1 hour.

FAQs About Free Art Therapy
No art experience is necessary for you. Your art therapist is highly trained in visual art as well as psychology, and they will guide you in the process of creating art using specific types of materials. All you need is a willingness to experiment and explore.
It depends on your interests as well as the therapeutic benefits of certain types of art for your situation. Art therapy can include a wide range of art materials and processes. Your sessions could potentially include activities such as working with clay, painting, making a mask, creating a visual journal, and assembling a collage. Most often, the focus will be on the process rather than creating a finished art product.
Your artwork is your creation and always belongs to you. Some people choose to keep the finished artwork, while others may decide to leave it in the care of the art therapist.
Art materials have inherent healing qualities, but some are more appropriate for certain types of situations. For example, there is a therapeutic difference between using colored pencils, which are very dry and controlled, as opposed to watercolor paint, which is extremely wet and difficult to control. Your art therapist has specialized training in assessing which materials to suggest based on the issues you are facing, your frame of mind during the session, and other factors.